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Meet the Ironman trainer from India who built a Rs 3000 hacking device

Kuldeep Singh has vetted many hats. Singh, 46 year old, is an iron man coach, sales head at an enterprise security company, an ethical hacker and IT forensics expert. But now, he has created an Rs 3000 rupees hacking device which he claims can hack into any phone, computer, traffic signal, CCTV cameras and even nuclear establishments.

Singh has more than 25 years of IT sales experience wherein he has for worked firms like GE, Cisco, and Sun Microsystems among others. But he always didn’t have it easy. The startup bug bit Bangalore based Kuldeep Singh in early 2016. He quit his well cushioned job at Cisco and ventured out on his own to start eKutir Global PBC, a social enterprise startup. But within a year’s time, he had to shut down his organization. "I floated my own company and thought it would be successful. But due to certain circumstances, it went into debt and my father repaid all the loans I had taken for my company." But that didn’t deter the effervescent Singh who went to become an iron man trainer and that too India's only official trainer."I was high on drugs, smoking, drinking. I decided to quit. I decided to set a life goal." He founded TrIndia Training & research Foundation, a not for profit organization which focuses on sports charity portfolio management.

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