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IPhone tips

Iphone tricks

Fast charge

Tired of waiting for your phone to recharge? Well, there is a way to speed up the re-juicing process, and it's surprisingly simple - just engage Flight Safe mode. By knocking out all your phone's Wi-Fi-searching, data-draining communication skills, it takes the strain off your battery while it's being powered up. Not hugely, true - but if you're pressed for time and looking to eke out every bit of juice, that extra 4% you'll add in 30 minutes connected to the mains could make all the difference.


When it comes to finding out the footy scores or proving a point, getting where you need to go on the internet is all about speed and precision - something missing when you're forced to knock out type-heavy web addresses. So save time by holding down the full stop icon whilst typing out an address to bring up a short-cut series of URL suffixes. From the classics (.com, .co.uk) to the less used (.edu, .ie), there are quick hit shortcuts for all.


iPhone tips and tricks

Slightly sinisterly, your iPhone is always gathering data on you in the background - be it the apps you're using the most, how much data you're churning through... or even, most creepily, where you are. To see what we mean, head to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Frequent Locations. Here you can see not just where you've been, but how long you've spent in each place. Big Brother really is watching...


You've probably filed away the Compass app alongside the Stocks and Find Friends apps in a folder entitled 'Crap I can't delete'. You should pull it back out, though - as it's got a secret second function that will help with your DIY duties. No: not using your iPhone to hammer in nails (although it can - briefly - do that too). Instead, swiping left in the Compass app brings up a very useful spirit level - a digital bubble gauge than can check if that shelf really is level. (Spoiler: it isn't.)

We all know that tapping the screen while taking a photo will set the camera's point of focus, right? Good. Annoyingly though, every time you move the camera after picking a focal point, it disappears. Well, no more. Instead of just tapping the screen, press for a second or two until an 'AF Locked' box pops up. Now you can twist, turn and swing the thing around without losing focus.


Ever wished you could tell who's calling just by how your phone feels buzzing against your leg? Now you can: In Contacts, select your person of choice and hit Edit. Here you'll see a Vibration option. Selecting this will give you plenty of options, including the Create New Vibration tool. Making your bespoke buzz is as simple as tapping the screen to the beat of your choice.


Siri's a bit of a smug know-it-all - so there's nothing better than calling it on its cock ups. Like when it mispronounces peoples' names like an ignorant Brit abroad. So if Siri says something wrong, just tell it. Following up a mistake by saying "That's not how you pronounce…" will see Siri ask for the correct pronunciation then let you check it's got things right. Because we all know it's Levi-O-sa, not Levi-o-SAR.


It's not just pictures and web pages that support multi-finger gestures. You can throw additional digits into clearing up your iPhone clutter too. If you need to shut multiple applications in a hurry – for totally innocent, not hiding anything, honest reasons – you can drag three fingers up on the multitasking m

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